My blog is now a WIP ... let's hope it gets finished faster than some of my WIP quilt tops!

Last night I woke up in excruciating pain ... the kind of pain that makes you nauseous.  It turns out that it is a cramp in my lower back muscle.  If you've ever had one in your calf ... imagine one in your lower back.  Seems like running is doing a little more than making me fit!

So ... today I am immobile.

After finishing looking at all the quilts of interest on Amy's Bloggers Quilt Festival and finding a couple of great new blogs to follow.  I have decided to get after the fixes to my blog that I've been thinking about for awhile.  I suspect that I am one of the only bloggers left using the original Blogger Template!

As much as I would love to hire someone to create a really cool blog like many that I see out there, the reality is that my blog is just for play.  I don't generate any income off of my blog or quilts as I don't sell them.

Looks like I'm going to learn how to design the blog that I'm looking for by myself.  I've just made the first step and don't be surprised if you see a few changes over the next few days (hopefully for the better).

I have 6 days to recover as I am participating in the Lymphoma and Leukemia Society - Seattle Pineapple run next Saturday ... I've raised over $1,200 for the cause and I WILL be running!

Hope you're having a productive weekend.

All the best


  1. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. I wish you all the best in your recovery!

  3. Sounds painful! Take care of yourself, rest and relax so you can run your race! And WOW to the $$ you've raised! That's awesome!!

    Oh and I like your blog and thinks it's just fine! I recently changed mine too, not sure if I like it better the old way! And I'm like you..the blogging is for fun, make it easy for you!

  4. Thanks everyone. Amazing what high doses of ibuprofen can do!


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