A minor interruption ...

I am lucky to have a queen size bed in a guest room at both the cabin and the house, so I have a place to lay out quilts in progress (and I have finally learned to lay down a sheet first to catch all those errant little threads).
Start of layout
I still long for a design wall though.
Quilt all laid out
In part, because it would be easier to see the overall design ...
After Emma's visit
And in part, because then the dogs would be far less likely to attempt to redesign my layouts.

Hope you're having a great long weekend!
All the best


  1. A great solid quilt going there. I have cats - so even a wall might be more tempting.

  2. Beautiful quilt, Lisa! And have you seen the Fons & Porter design wall? You hang it up when you need it, take it down when you don't. I hang mine over my fabric storage unit.... Here's a link so you can see it...


    Joann's carries it - and it's pretty reasonable with a 40 or 50% off coupon!

  3. I often use my bed too..great idea to use a sheet, I hadn't thought of that!
    I love those colors too!

  4. Love this quilt so far!

    My design wall is just some flannel backed vinyl tablecloth yardage I got on sale at Joann's. If you put some small hooks up on a wall you could hang it from the hooks when you need it and take it down when you don't - or move it from house to cabin. Just a thought :)


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