Housewarming / Christmas Present

 My brother Patrick, a LTC in the Army, just got a plumb assignment ... commanding one of the Battalions of the 82nd Airborne at Ft. Bragg, NC.  He and his girlfriend, Katherine, have moved from the DC area and set up household together in NC.  This was their housewarming/Christmas present.

It's difficult for military spouses ... the Army decides where you go ... and often with little interest in where you would like to go.  Two careers can be tough to manage.  I give Katherine a lot of credit, she's done a great job in her role in DC and they've agreed to let her tele-commute from NC in a trial situation.  It takes a lot of guts to do what she's doing ... walking away from being seen every day and being considered for promotions to sitting on the sidelines and having to do an increasingly great job to stand out.

That said ... they've set up house.  She sent me the photo of their new family room.

And her inspiration photo.

And I came up with this.

And here's the back.

And here's the new quilt (and the Christmas tree skirt I made them -- a different post) under their tree.

I wish them tons of success and joy in their new roles.
