Christmas Quilt

If you're like me—you've got a stack of holiday fabrics left over from Christmas' past.  Where there's not enough fabric left of an individual pattern to do much with and, oh yeah, the ones that in your scrap bin are from multiple years, so the prints don't exactly coordinate that well together either.

Sound familiar?

Quilt from christmas fabrics sitting in laundry basket on a dining room table

Well, this year I decided to do something about it and created the Christmas Ladders Quilt Pattern which you can download here for FREE.  UPDATE:  Unfortunately, due to continued fraud, I have had to pull the free offer of this quilt. If you wish to obtain a free copy, please let me know here and I will be happy to send it to you.

This quilt does an excellent job using up scraps.  All you need to be able to do is piece together a 2.5" x 62" strip of a single fabric pattern.

photo of multi-colored quilt from christmas fabrics laying on wooden table
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This version uses 26 different fabrics.  But you can certainly repeat some fabrics if you have a larger stash of some.

The best part of this pattern is that it encourages you to use fabrics that you wouldn't normally use together, by creating groupings of more cohesive fabrics.  Adding scraps from solids is also a great way to build it out.

multicolored christmas quilt spread on a brown couch

This is a simple, fast, and—did I mention—FREE pattern for you to use this holiday season, next year or to attack some of your non-holiday scrap stash during the winter doldrums ...

Happy Holidays!



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