NEVER say never !!!!!!!!

  • I smoked a pack a day for 23 years,
  • Two years after I quit, I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer,
  • Eighteen months ago, at the age of 49, I decided to learn how to run ...
Today ... I finished a half marathon in 2 hours 45 minutes and 19 seconds ... it wasn't fast by any stretch of the imagination, my husband finished almost an hour ahead of me ... but I ran 13.1 miles and I finished!!!!!!!!  Feeling a little proud right now ;-)

NEVER say never.



  1. Congratulations sweetie! Well done!!

  2. Congratulations! You are awesome!

  3. Way to go, Lisa! And that's a very respectable time for a first half marathon!!! You rock!!!

  4. Congratulations -- well done!!

  5. Congratulations! That's awesome.

  6. Hi, I'm Cheryl from England and I just wanted to congratulate you. Awesone achievement

  7. Oh Well Done You Lisa! Woot!
    (am still trying to give up the evil weed, 'tis hard :-(

  8. Wow! Go you! You're an inspiration. Hope you're recovering well from the run!!

  9. Way to go, good for you!!!! You should be very proud.

  10. YOU. GO. GIRL!!!!!!

    My cancer scare was at age 23 (cervical) but I continued to smoke pack/day until very recently (total of 18 years). I started running about 1 year ago. I ran my first Ragnar in January, my second will be in September. I'm hoping to do a half next February. I know how hard it is to kick the habit, survive the diagnosis (mentally and physically) and become a runner. You are amazing!!!

  11. Congratulations!


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