A Horse is a Horse of Course of Course ...

 Yeah, probably dating myself with that one 😂.

Pleased to say that I have really made some progress with the horse quilt!


The creation of a quilt with a horsehead image, hanging on the wall.
The horse head emerges

So far, it definitely looks best from a distance.

This is a quilt made from an image I purchased on the internet (and got the original artists approval to make into a quilt pattern). The story begins here and continues here. I am now about half-way through the quilt top, have learned a TON and am excited to keep going and get this baby finish. 

Details of some of the blocks that comprise the horse head on the quilt.
Some details on the nostril and bridle

 It is slow going. There is a lot of detail in some of the blocks.  There are 16 different fabrics and I am using the chart on the wall to translate what is on the printed pattern pieces to the colors I have selected.

16 folded fabrics sitting on a table
Fabric selection

I am doing this a bit different than regular paper piecing. I am using freezer paper which I am having to trace from the pieces that I have printed out. This is an extra step. But, since I have created the pattern itself, it actually saves me a step in the creation of the file to print, so it really isn't taking me any more time. AND it means that I don't have to peel the paper off at the end.

I will be sharing more about this process, how it works and pros and cons in a future post. I am still modifying steps as I try new things and gain confidence.

Copying process
With some of the more detailed blocks, I have only been able complete about 2-3 a day. But the current blocks have less detail, so hopefully it will go a little faster. There are 63 blocks (9 rows and 7 columns) and hoping to get a little pep-in-my-step and get this further along before I head back to the states for a few weeks later this month. 

Stay tuned!




