launched today ...

Ssshh ... at least that's how I think I am treating yesterday's launch.

After 2 years building a successful little business on Etsy ... earlier this year I started to grow weary of the constant changes that Etsy was making and the impact that they were having on my business.  So I researched some options and in January, started working on opening up on the Shopify platform.

Funny thing is, that's it's actually been ready since about March, yet for some reason, I just haven't been ready to take the plunge.  But plunge I did ... yesterday!

I guess I am being somewhat quiet as I am still working on a few things that need some attention and most of my pillow inventory is still missing.

That said, I am proud that it's out there ... and I am happy to say that I was able to navigate Shopify's tools bin and do all of the creation of the site on my own.

And what I am SUPER proud of is the decision I have made to donate 10% of all profits from to a charitable cause that is near and dear to me, Ovarian cancer research.  If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you know that I am a survivor of Stage IIC Ovarian cancer—an 18-year survivor.  As I have discovered over the past 18 years—there simply are not a lot of us out there.

When I opened the store and started selling on Etsy, it was to pay for my health insurance (that's another topic for another day).  Now that the shop brings in enough profit to pay my health insurance premiums, I want to give back and help others fight a disease that claims far too many of us each year.

So there you have it!  There will be more about the store over the coming weeks I am sure.  For those of you who have a few minutes, head on over and give it a look.  Feedback at this stage is ALWAYS so welcome and I would love to hear it.

Thanks for stopping by and reading this blog, as intermittent as these posts tend to be, I do always have the best of intention to post some of my efforts.  So I will leave you with the commitment that I will continue to remind myself to do so!



  1. Congratulations Lisa. I truly hope it goes well for you. And a massive Congratulations on 18yrs of beating the cancer.


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